The 8 Biggest Design Trends You Need to Know in 2022

The past year has seen rapid changes in innovation and cultural aesthetics trends that will be driving the design trends that will be seen in 2022. It comes as no surprise that design trends are moving in diverse directions. Part of it is because physical activities like work, education, shopping, and many other similar things have migrated online. As a result, the online world is increasingly becoming intertwined with real-life in the physical world.

The nature of how design trends change and evolve is similar to fashion trends. Each new emerging trend takes its inspiration from different eras and explores new avenues that could fulfill specific requirements. 2022 will most likely be dominated by dark-mode functionality, old-school designs, increased inclusivity, and more.

  1. Dark Mode

    The dark mode is a simple feature, but it is gaining traction as more and more applications, and websites offer it. One of the biggest factors behind this design trend is the increase in the amount of screen-time everyone has in the last 18 months. In addition, dark mode saves battery and is perceived to be easier for viewing. As more devices and applications give the option for dark mode, designers will have to create designs that are engaging, memorable, and visible in both normal viewing and dark mode. And lastly, an increasing number of consumers prefer and use apps and devices on dark mode.

  2. Inclusivity

    This trend has been gaining traction for some time. However, 2022 will see inclusive visuals become one of the most important design considerations. As the number of brands increases and the competition grows, one of the ways people choose brands is based upon whether they feel represented by a specific brand or not. Today, brands and businesses that strive to be inclusive and make people feel represented are the ones that are more likely to succeed. Furthermore, the inclusive design also serves as a way to test the potential markets and eases the introduction of brands into local markets.

  3. Data Visualization

    Data is necessary to provide a better understanding and prompt actions. However, it used to be generally boring and required a certain level of knowledge to understand. But the pandemic changed that, and easy to understand, eye-catching visualization of data became the norm in the healthcare industry. So, the success in the healthcare industry other sectors are adopting fun, engaging data visualizations. Data visualization is poised to be a major trend in 2022 as higher volumes of data need to be presented to a larger target audience.

  4. Retro Playfulness & Nostalgia

    The trends are always in flux, and sometimes old trends repeat. Often it is to connect with the audience through nostalgia. Or utilize retro designs to invoke a sense of playfulness and help a brand stand apart. Retro-inspired designs fuelled by nostalgia will be a big design trend in 2022 as the global consumer’s aesthetic choices shift from typical minimalist designs—another reason this trend is on the rise as it allows companies to stand apart from competitors.

  5. Branded Memes

    Once thought to be a fad addition to the internet’s collective content pool, memes have become a new tool that brands use for marketing to get the audience’s attention. Memes are an excellent way to showcase a brand’s personality and sense of humor which can be difficult to do so through traditional methodologies. 2022, more brands will design memes so that they connect with their audiences at a personal level.

  6. Large Typography

    Trends change from year to year and this shift in design choices extended to font styles and sizes as well. Large typography had faded but is seeing a comeback in 2022 as brands are looking for visuals that get the message across but are also impactful. As the list proves, the 2022 design trends are all geared towards attracting attention in a saturated digital world. Large typography allows a brand to be bold, visible and add more personality to designs.

  7. Motion Graphics

    The increasing capability of mobile devices and faster connectivity make it easier for consumers to see motion graphics. These include GIFs, videos, motion graphics, and more. It makes for a more interactive experience for the consumer and gives brands a wider scope to showcase themselves visually. It is an example of a design trend that is possible due to the advancement of devices and connectivity speeds.

  8. Custom & Mixed Media

    Another big trend to keep in mind in 2022 is the growing popularity of custom and mixed designs. Mixed and custom designs are not new, but they need to stand out from the competition by being different has resulted in more brands exploring this design trend. Custom Media allows the brand to craft a unique identity for themselves, while mixed media designs allow for experimentation with different design elements and styles.


Design trends are constantly evolving, and the 8 that we have identified in this blog are the ones that will potentially dominate the design aesthetics of brands in 2022.

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