How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform the IT Industry?
A decade ago, Artificial Intelligence and its possibilities were considered a curiosity and plot point in science fiction. But today, AI as a concept and as a tool is embedded deeply into various aspects of the world associated with IT and beyond. The increasing digitization of the world and incorporation of automation in nearly all industries which in turn has let the IT industry try to keep pace with the increasing complexity and innovations that are required.
The increasing complexity and the quicker need for solutions have led to breakthroughs in AI, and the diverse and dynamic uses it offers have and will continue to change the challenging IT landscape. The growing importance of AI in IT is highlighted that according to the data gathered by IDC (International Data Corporation), global spending on AI systems was over $50 billion in 2021, with the potential global market being well over an estimated $100 billion in evaluation.
However, what makes AI such a transformative field is its ability to create systems that can handle human-like tasks in terms of pattern recognition in speech, text, and problem-solving. The sectors within IT and the applications that are utilizing and will continue to transform due to AI are numerous. However, the ones that will have the biggest impact in the coming decade are listed below:
Pattern Recognition
Pattern recognition, at its core, is understanding and interpreting a quantifiable pattern. In IT, the recognition and assessment allow for the implementation of several technologies and solutions that otherwise would require programming for every possible iteration. The way AI will transform this aspect of IT will be seen via improvements in voice recognition, natural language processing, and computer vision.
As AI technology improves, the learning capabilities will be further utilized to create systems that can recognize patterns to highlight safety violations, process interruptions, and more. Even more so, the greatest breakthrough will be in solutions that offer increased accessibility to the differently-abled. For example, an AI-powered solution that can recognize and translate sign language in real-time and vice versa or can operate a smart home on purely gesture-based commands. The possibilities are nearly endless.
AI can decrease the load and increase efficiency by offering better solutions for process automation. Traditional IT solutions get increasingly complicated as the number of variables that have to be accounted for in automation increases, which means that at a certain point, the returns for the implemented process start to diminish. For example, several HR systems can easily be automated with AI and machine learning solutions. Systems like payroll calculation with variables to account for time, infractions, and a number of other aspects can easily be incorporated. The future will see most mundane and repetitive processes transformed by AI to become automated so that companies can utilize resources tied to them more effectively.
Data is one of the largest commodities in today’s digital market space, and its analysis drives industry, governance, and nearly all aspects of our collective lives. However, as digitalization increases and more systems, processes, and people go online, the amount of data to analyze has grown exponentially. AI-based solutions offer a way to reduce the amount of time to sift through data and offer insights. One of the ways we are already seeing it is the implementation of the tools offered via Google and other social media platform for analytics. Or the way Google sorts and sifts through data to generate specific search results. The future will see AI performing a wide range of analytics from data analysis to defect analysis to identify a problem and generate solutions.
Testing & Quality Assurance
Quality assurance and testing are integral, considering the level of digitalization and automation that is being implemented globally via IT solutions. AI can help greatly reduce time by eliminating human errors and greatly reducing the time required to run all iterations of variables that systems may encounter. Furthermore, coupled with pattern recognition, AI-based systems can easily recognize and highlight the failing quality of objects and processes. The true potential of AI for this aspect of IT solutions is being explored but will greatly change the way testing and quality control are implemented in the future.
AI is already transforming and changing the digital world around us without people realizing it. And with time, the AI systems and tools will improve, which will transform the IT industry in a way that was predicted in science fiction of yesteryears. The possibilities are numerous, and the companies that are getting ahead of the curve will be the ones leading this transformation.