10 JavaScript Tricks And Tips You Should Know As A Front-End Engineer

JavaScript tricks can help you excel as a front-end engineer. If you’re reviewing your codes and doubting your ability to become a good programmer, don’t! Knowing these 10 JavaScript tricks can help you improve your skills significantly. So let’s begin.
Have a Firm Grip on the Basics
Many front-end engineers make the mistake of starting with frameworks and struggling to learn them. It happens due to a lack of basic JavaScript knowledge. Before learning a framework such as React, ensure you have a firm grip on JS. A strong JavaScript foundation will make it much easier for you to build up your skills from there.
Don’t Set Too Many Parameters
A function that has multiple parameters becomes difficult to read. As a front-end developer, you should avoid creating such functions. If there is a requirement to get basic information about the user’s name, gender, and age, it is much better to use objects to get the required information. It will help enhance the extensibility and readability.
Don’t Randomly Name the Variables
If you are in the habit of writing awkward code snippets and randomly naming the variables, it won’t take you very far. To improve your skillset, develop the habit of giving the variables a meaningful and proper name.
Delete Deprecated Code
Most times, the website adjusts the function automatically, and there are new and deprecated functions. However, most developers worry and don’t delete them in case they are needed in the future. However, it is unlikely you will require it in the future, and even if you do, you can easily trace it back through “git.”
Split the Functionality
Most front-end developers make the mistake of writing long lines of code in one component. It is not advisable and can be confusing to review later on. To avoid this, split the component’s functionality into several smaller components to make it easier and more manageable.
Don’t Write Meaningless Code Comments
Most developers don’t write code comments. However, if you are among those who write meaningless code comments, then you are just wasting your time. Either you can skip the code comments or explain what it means. You can also use meaningful variable names.
Document Your Code
You will not remember all the code you have written over the years. So make a habit of documenting code if you don’t already do it. Documenting will help you in team meetings when explaining your code.
Use ESLint or Prettier
Make it a practice to align code styles across teams using ESLint or Prettier. It can help you save valuable time if you automate it as much as possible. It can also facilitate discussions later on between teams.
Don’t Ignore Code For Request Failures
Most front-end developers make the mistake of only writing code logic for successful requests. It gives the impression you are inexperienced. Instead, try to write a user-friendly prompt.
Be Open to Code Reviews
Most developers are afraid of receiving critiques on their code. But code reviews can really help you become better and develop your skills as a front-end engineer.